Hello everyone,
It is often asked who is the scientific advisor, well, my name is Fabrice and I am a Swiss Naturopath. I graduated from the Naturopathic School of hygiene and natural medicine "IHMN" and works in Saint-Maurice as a therapist and health consultant.
I believe that the world needs a new health system and that people need to be more informed and educated in basic health in order to stay healthy physically and mentally.
My goal in supporting www.my-vitamin-advisor.com is to help improving the quality of the nutrients and food supplements that are sold to us all. Alone it is impossible to do but imagine that a product contains titanium dioxide and that it gets
a very bad reviewing&rating on our site, it could put some pressure to the manufacturer to get rid of it or to improve the content of the product. This site will give the power back to the people in order to bring a new health solution with only good supplements at a very good price.
I do hope that in the future those nutrients should be given back from earth but at the moment unfortunately the soil are so depleted so we have no other choice than include good natural supplements to our daily diet.
Fabrice Leu
Centre de médecine Naturelle
1890 Saint-Maurice
Website: www.fabriceleu.com
Email: fabricel@my-vitamin-advisor.com
Alternative medicine curricullum:
- 1992-1993 Massage and reflexology therapist ‘Hp-formation’ Diplôma (Genève, Switzerland)
- 1999-2002 Naturopathic curricullum ‘IHMN’ Diplôma (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- 2001 Lymphatic drainage school D.R Vodder I to III "Vodder School" Diplôma (Morges, Switzerland)
- 2003 Heilpraktiker school Diplôma (Saarsbruck,Germany)
- 2008-2009 Consultant in cellular medicine with Dr Rath Certificate (Kerkrade,Netherland)
- 2009 Leech therapy Diplôma (Villar sur Glâne, Switzerland)
- 2011-2012 Hichibuku traditional Japanese Medicine Certificat & Diplôma (Saint-Maurice, Switzerland)
- 2013- 2015 «Percutaneous Hydrotomy» Certificate with training under the supervision of Dr Guez (Nice, France) - http://www.hydrotomiepercutanee.com/en/
- 2014 Orthomolecular medicine Diplôma (Ebi-pharm, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Member of:
- 2001 until now Asca Foundation (Switzerland)
- 2002-2013 Member of the DR Rath Health Alliance(Netherland)
- 2003 à 2012 Membrer A NVS "Naturarzt Vereinigung Schweiz" (Switzerland)
- 2004 until now Registered Alternative therapist in Geneva (Switzerland)
- 2009-2010 Infoliner for the Dr Rath Health Alliance (Strasbourg)
- 2011-2013 Co-Founder and coordinator of HPCM (Health Professionals for Cellular Medicine - Europe)
Books written at LULU Edition (in French only):
- La thérapie par les pierres
- Les ventouses cours de base Le guide des vitamines
- La réflexologie endonasale La vertébrothérapie moderne
- Le guide du masseur Cours intensif de réflexologie plantaire
- L’aromathérapie connaissance de base Vers la lumière
- La thérapie craniosacrale Cours de mobilisation articulaires
- Les bilans de laboratoire Protocoles de médecine nutritionnelle
- Les zones réflexes corporelle...
Video filmed at the College Of Naturopathic Medicine in London April 21st 2012:
Cellular Medicine & Heart Diease - Fabrice Leu